La scénographie pour le festival d’été HOLIDAYS 2024 s’inspire du quartier de Molenbeek et de ses marchés fourmillants.
Trouvés au détour des rues, les objets du quotidien sont transposés pour devenir un aménagement éphémère qui appelle à la convivialité dans un brol coloré, joyeux, et éclectique. Les cagettes plastiques alimentaires deviennent assises, îlots de confort composables au gré des longues journées d’été, les bâches se transforment en voiles d’ombrages ajourés de motifs à la manière d’un moucharabieh, et la décoration, touche finale festive créée en atelier participatif, reflète ces identités multiples qui façonnent la ville.
Manon Gondek et Elfie Poiré, designers textile aux pratiques hybrides, collaborent sur ce projet en s’inscrivant dans une démarche de durabilité avec des matériaux de réemploi sourcés à la Souplothèque, In Limbo et Gilbard.


Group show from March 14 to March 29, 2020.
Fondation Moonens - Brussel

Elfie Poiré, Alice Pandolfo, Anjan, Irina Maloir et Maud Bocquet.

The space is delimited by contours. He creaks, sometimes whispers. He shows and hides, offers and maske. Very solid, it has an element of vulnerability that escapes it. "Autonomous divers" connects the works that inhabit the room. In the space of the Moonens Foundation, the artists offer radical interventions in the form of installations and performances. The result blurs the border between 2D and 3D, transforms architecture, plays on the ambiguity of materials. The works meet and enter circulation with the place of exhibition.


Group show from March 14 to March 29, 2020.
Fondation Moonens - Brussel

Elfie Poiré, Alice Pandolfo, Anjan, Irina Maloir et Maud Bocquet.

The space is delimited by contours. He creaks, sometimes whispers. He shows and hides, offers and maske. Very solid, it has an element of vulnerability that escapes it. "Autonomous divers" connects the works that inhabit the room. In the space of the Moonens Foundation, the artists offer radical interventions in the form of installations and performances. The result blurs the border between 2D and 3D, transforms architecture, plays on the ambiguity of materials. The works meet and enter circulation with the place of exhibition.


Group show from March 14 to March 29, 2020.
Fondation Moonens - Brussel

Elfie Poiré, Alice Pandolfo, Anjan, Irina Maloir et Maud Bocquet.

The space is delimited by contours. He creaks, sometimes whispers. He shows and hides, offers and maske. Very solid, it has an element of vulnerability that escapes it. "Autonomous divers" connects the works that inhabit the room. In the space of the Moonens Foundation, the artists offer radical interventions in the form of installations and performances. The result blurs the border between 2D and 3D, transforms architecture, plays on the ambiguity of materials. The works meet and enter circulation with the place of exhibition.


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